Start solr without starting hybris server

If solr is not working, use following path to start the solr without restarting hybris.

1. open cmd in administration mode.

2. switch to the similar path in it: {hybris}\bin\modules\search-and-navigation\solrserver\resources\solr\8.6\server\bin

3. run following commands:

solr status (To check whether a solr server is already running somewhere) solr start -p 8983 (To start solr in default port(8983))

4. check if solr is working fine either in the console:
In Console, Solr will start mentioning the port number along with the message "Happy Searching!"

5. Or, check if its working fine directly in solr server https://localhost:8983/solr/ solradmin/admin123 (default credentials)


Written by: Sakshi Narang
